• Information regarding upcoming and past bids will be posted here.

    Upcoming Bids

    BID 25-02:

    BID 25-02 ADDENDUM 1:

    Bid 25-02 Questions :

    1.) What is the square footage of each site? Pg. 44 - INTENT
    "two (2) locations at the Northern Region Educational Services Commission (NRESC) at ESC Office located at 82 Totowa Road, Suite 2, Wayne, NJ 07470 (9,655 sq. ft) and Northern Region Educational Services at Second Home located at 515 Union Boulevard, Totowa, NJ 07512 (15,698 sq. ft)"

    2.) What are the expected days of work…that is…our work calendar?
    Pg. 46 - 1.16
    "the services are conducted from 4:00 p.m. until 11:30 p.m. Monday through Friday."
    Pg. 47 - 2.1
    "2.1 Frequency of cleaning at each office shall be daily, Monday through Friday, unless otherwise noted in accordance with the NRESC calendar."
    3.) Is this currently outsourced? Yes, this is currently outsourced.
    4.) The specs read that we provide the cleaning equip/chemicals…
    What supplies are provided by NRESC…if any? Currently, the NRESC does not provide cleaning equip/chemicals.   The NRESC is billed for equip/chemicals.
    5.) What might be some times/date…that we may take a walk to view the work? An addendum will be issued with a walk-through date once all management has confirmed a preferable date and time.
    6.) Is there a prevailing wage requirement? Any type of wage stipulation? No prevailing wage requirement.  No type of wage stipulation.
    7.) Are consumables provided by contractor or Northern Region? Consumables are provided by contractor.
    8.) Pg. 49 Heavy Cleanings line 2 calls for scrub and burnish however, I don't see a line indicating strip & refinish. (Did I miss it )
    1.) 82 Totowa Road-Floors are carpeted, except for kitchen area
    2.) 515 Union Blvd is a newly built location and has new plank floors, except for kitchen area and classroom area. Strip and refinish is not required in the 2024-2025 school year.
    9.) Would I be able to walk through the buildings this week for janitorial quote?
    Can we please arrange a walkthrough for the Janitorial Bid.
    Please see addendum regarding walk-through date and times.
    10.) If you could, please let me know if you require that we are in a union.
    No, the NRESC does not require that you are in a union.


    RFP 25-01:


    Past Bids



    RFP 24-02:


    RFP 24-01:


    01-21: School Security Officers (Unarmed)

    Opening July 30, 2020