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Business Office Services 


Whether your school business department needs a long-term or short-term solution, the Northern Region Educational Services Commission is here to provide high quality, cost-effective support, and worry-free services.



Save your district transportation costs by jointuring with NRESC! We provide cost-effective transportation services and solutions to meet school district needs.

Human Resources 

The Northern Region Educational Services Commission Human Resources Department is responsible for district employees throughout Northern New Jersey including certified professional staff, certified support staff, and non-certified employees. The Human Resources Department insures that personnel matters are conducted in compliance with legal and contractual requirements and are monitored through the department.

Other functions include posting school vacancies for the recruitment, screening, and hiring of teachers, administrative staff, custodial, maintenance, security, and substitute teachers; creating and maintaining current job descriptions; documenting and storing confidential Personnel Records, verifying employment inquiries; distributing information on FMLA Laws, NJ Labor Laws, and on medical leave, and acting as a depository for employment applications, criminal history review clearance, teacher’s certifications and advance degree records.

To reach our Human Resources department, feel free to contact us at

Shared Technology Services

The Northern Region Educational Services Commission offers a variety of services with the ability to customize each of them.  Use the navigation on the left to see just some of the services we have to offer.

Child Care Services 

The Northern Region Educational Services Commission collaborates with local schools districts to provide comprehensive operational support, allowing districts to deliver year-round full-day childcare services for the youngest children in your community. We also provide before-school and after-school care for elementary school students. The NRESC handles all day to day operational needs of your program including staffing, HR support, payroll and evaluations. 

Adult Special Services 

Northern Region Educational Services Commission is an approved service provider by the New Jersey Division of Developmental Disabilities (DDD). The DDD system is fee-for-service, Medicaid reimbursement. Clients must be at least 21 years of age, enrolled in Medicaid, and enrolled in the DDD to be eligible for services. The NRESC is approved to provide:


Shared Special Services

The Northern Region Educational Services Commission offers a variety of services with the ability to customize each of them.  Use the navigation on the left to see just some of the services we have to offer.

Alternative Education 

The Northern Region Educational Services Commission offers a variety of services with the ability to customize each of them.  Use the navigation on the left to see just some of the services we have to offer.

Substitute Registry 

The Northern Region Educational Services Commission offers a variety of services with the ability to customize each of them.  Use the navigation on the left to see just some of the services we have to offer.

Harassment, Intimidation, & Bullying

District HIB Statistics


2022-2023 HIB ABR Grade 

Hope Academy: 57 out of 78
NRESC District: 57 out of 78

HIB Resources

District HIB Contact Information

Ayanna Thorne
District Anti-Bullying Coordinator
82 Totowa Road Wayne NJ 07470

Melissa Margaritis-Gettleman
Anti-Bullying Specialist at Hope Academy 
973-928-1509 (Hope Academy) 
266 Harrison Street Passaic NJ 07055

Contact information for the School Climate State Coordinator

